How should be the iron construction, wire mesh and net installation in outdoor football carpet fields?
Sub base works must be done before the installation of the football carpet field. Prior to installation, a sub base specification must be prepared and submitted to the investor of the field and all criteria must be fulfilled. After the field ground and all sub base works, other operations must be performed.
Establishing a football carpet field requires technical knowledge and skills. People who do not know the job, when they engage in football carpet fields, they can mess up. Football carpet field investor should start by finding the right company first. It is also very important to apply for all documents and permits. Otherwise, your investment will be wasted. After a location is found, and applications for documents and permits are optained, then it would be preferable to plan out how the football carpet field would be made. Football carpet field construction is not like a building construction. Those who are engaged in building construction should not do this work. This job requires full expertise. It will be a good idea to work with companies that are manufacturers and who know the implementation phase of this work.
It should be ensured that the field’s surrounding construction works should have high quality and long life. The highest quality materials should be used in wire mesh and net installation. Football carpet field is a kind of entertainment sector. The more you serve, the more customers you have.
How should the Iron Construction Works of Outdoor Football Carpet Fields be Performed?
- After the infrastructure has been completed, anchors are fixed to ready-mixed concrete (Ø 89x3mm) and pipes of 7 mm height Ø76×3 mm are welded vertically.
- 3 rows (top, middle and bottom) Ø60×2,5 mm pipes are welded horizontally to the posts. They are welded to the corners of the field, behind the goal posts and the long sides as Ø60×2,5mm diagonal pipes.
- A total of 4 pieces Ø76x3mm pipes are used on the long sides of the field for lighting and support pole.
- One hinged door is made of Ø60×2,5mm pipe which is 125cm wide and 200cm high.
- For 1 set of goal post to the field, Ø89x3mm pipe is used to fit the project. All Iron production is painted in two layers of green color and the construction is completed.
How to do Wire Mesh and Net Installations in Outdoor Football Carpet Fields?
- Iron construction on the inside; 3m high, 50x50mm mesh in the range of 3.5mm thickness, dipped galvanized PVC coated wire mesh.
- After the wire mesh has been tensioned and made connections, 5 mm steel rope is stretched to the long sides of the field in 3 rows and 4 rows on the short sides and fixed with clips.
- The long sides of the field are covered with a net of number 90, 100% polyamide yarn 12×12 cm mesh at a height of 4m.
- The behind the goal posts are covered with a net of number 120, 100% polyamide yarns in the 12x12cm mesh at a height of 4m.
- Field ceiling is covered with a net made of number 66, 100% polyamide yarn in the 15×15 cm mesh .
- For the goal posts, nets made of 100% polyamide yarn with a thickness of 4mm in 12x12cm range are installed.
The installations I mentioned above; The number of firms using the right material is quite small. You need to work with the right companies for the right service.
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